От Skvortsov Ответить на сообщение
К Паршев
Дата 24.01.2021 08:36:58 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Искусство и творчество; Версия для печати

Не надо подвергать сомнению выводы, изложенные в Версальском договоре

Виновники и их действия указаны предельно ясно:

THE ALLIED AND ASSOCIATED POWERS being equally desirous that the war in which they were successively involved directly or indirectly and which originated in the declaration of war by Austria-Hungary on 28 July 1914 against Serbia, the declaration of war by Germany against Russia on 1 August 1914, and against France on 3 August 1914, and in the invasion of Belgium, should be replaced by a firm and durable peace,