От Skvortsov Ответить на сообщение
К Skvortsov
Дата 08.08.2020 13:24:45 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Современность; Версия для печати

Читайте про Islander Status:

Islander Status is the term used to describe the status of a 'Channel Islander' or 'Manxman' who has no connection with the United Kingdom. Islander Status means you do not have the automatic right to live and or work in Europe. You may, however, live and work in the UK without restriction.
Checking your passport for your status
If you have Islander status, the following will be printed either on the back of the photo page in your passport or opposite the photo page on your passport:
'The holder is not entitled to benefit from EU provisions relating to employment or establishment'

Why you have Islander Status
you were born, adopted, registered or naturalised in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man and you do not have a link with the UK (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland)
you were born aboard and you got your British Nationality through a parent born, adopted, registered or naturalised in the Channel Islands or Isle of Man and you do not have a link with the UK (England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland)

You will have Islander Status if:

Guernsey-born but your passport doesn't show Islander Status?
If the phrase is not printed in your passport but you are Guernsey-born, you may have links with the UK making you exempt from Islander Status, below are how you may obtain your links with the UK;
a parent or grandparent who was born, adopted, registered or naturalised in the UK; or
residency in the UK for a period of 5 years or more.
