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Дата 04.10.2000 10:08:28 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Армия; Версия для печати

Новая израильская САУ

Soltam Systems, the only manufacturer of
complete towed and self-propelled artillery
weapons in Israel, has recently completed
the prototype of a new 155mm/52-cal 6 x
6 self-propelled wheeled gun (SPWG)
artillery system.

The unnamed system, developed by the company as a
private venture, is aimed at emerging markets for a
mobile wheeled self-propelled artillery system that has
greater strategic mobility than heavier tracked
systems. In addition, its overall life-cycle costs,
including procurement, training and operating, are
much lower.

The system could meet a possible Indian Army
requirement for a wheeled 155mm system. Soltam
would face competition from Bofors Weapon Systems
of Sweden, which developed the 6 x 6 FH-77BD to
meet the Indian requirement. The FH-77BD is much
heavier than the Soltam design and is not airportable in
a Lockheed Martin C-130.

Soltam Systems has recently won a major contract to
upgrade a large number of Indian Army 130mm M-46
field guns with a 155mm 39/45-cal barrel.

Soltam's SPWG is based on a TATRA 6 x 6 chassis
on the rear of which is mounted the complete elevating
mass of the company's 155mm/52-cal TIG 2000 towed
artillery system.

The TIG 2000 was developed several years ago and
has already been produced in production quantities. Its
ordnance meets NATO's Joint Ballistic Memorandum of

The ordnance of the 155mm/52-cal weapon is provided
with one baffle muzzle brake and fume extractor.
Maximum range depends on projectile and charge
system. Soltam cites a maximum range of 41,000m
firing an extended-range full-bore base-bleed
(ERFB-BB) projectile; 30,000m firing an L15
high-explosive projectile; and 24,500m firing an M107
high-explosive projectile.

Firing trials of the system started earlier this year. For
increased rate of fire and to reduce crew fatigue, a full
loader assist system is installed and to provide a more
stable firing platform two hydraulically-operated spades
are lowered one either side at the rear of the chassis.

The design of the system is modular so that it can be
tailored to meet users' specific operational
requirements. Other features include a modular crew
protection system and an advanced fire control
system. The latter has already been proven on the TIG
2000 and is linked to an inertial navigation and global
positioning system. Different ammunition handing
systems are also offered.

Although the prototype system is based on a TATRA
chassis, Soltam Systems stressed to Jane's Defence
Weekly that it could be mounted on other 6 x 6 truck
chassis. The system is fully airportable in a C-130
Hercules transport aircraft.

взято с http://janes.com/defence/land_forces/news/jdw/jdw000920_1_n.shtml , там же есть маленькая фотка.
От себя добавлю что у Солтама есть проект 155мм САУ на базе Меркавы, в англоязычных источниках называется Merkava Slammer.
С одной стороны, Солтам как правило работает на экспорт, но с другой - Меркава по идее не эскпортируется, даже по частям,
и если американцы будут ещё долго задерживатся с Крусейдером (на что Солтам очевидно и расчитывает), система имеет все шансы
поступить на вооружение ЦАХАЛа.
Если это не пройдет, тогда они наверняка постараются получить лицензию на производство и экспорт шасси Меркавы у армии.

Всего !