13.05.2019 16:47:10
Современность; Флот;
Великобритания до сих пор не разобрала ни одной из своих атомных подлодок
Великобритания до сих пор не разобрала ни одной из своих атомных подлодок за всю историю своего атомного флота.
С 2002 года не выгружено ни одного реактора со списанной лодки, старые лодки так и стоят с заправленными реакторами.
The fact is that the UK has never managed to dispose of a single nuclear submarine after having retired it. Resolution, Repulse, Renown and Revenge, the four Resolution class SSBNs are still in storage, despite the fact the last ones were retired from service in 1996. HMS Dreadnought has been sitting in Rosyth for over 38 years. HMS Conqueror, which sank the Belgrano in 1982, is also still waiting to be dismantled. Some of those retired submarines have now sat in storage for longer than they originally served in active service !
To make matters worse, still, a fair amount of the subs stored in Devonport haven't been defueled. In 2002, the Office of Nuclear Regulation stopped defueling operations in Devonport, because the facilities did not meet modern standards... No submarine has been defueled ever since. All those retired submarines are subjected to periodic inspections and are re-painted every 15 years, which require them to be taken out of the water. The ones that are still fueled have a skeleton crew 24/7. Since 1980 the MoD has spent £500m just to store and maintain its obsolete submarine fleet while it tries to figure out how to safely dismantle them and where to store the fuel removed from the subs reactors.