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К HorNet
Дата 03.04.2019 11:29:14 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Флот; ВВС; Локальные конфликты; Искусство и творчество; Версия для печати

А вот это интересно

>Maverick and his comrades inhabited a world that permitted little room for uncertainty. Neither history nor any appreciation for interests or motivation figured appreciably in explaining how that world worked. Indeed, since dwelling on such concerns might compromise a pilot’s ability to make instantaneous life-or-death decisions, it made sense to exclude them from the cockpit. From a fighter pilot’s perspective, it sufficed to know that there were good guys and bad guys, the latter in Top Gun anonymous but readily identifiable thanks to their black aircraft, black helmets, and opaque visors. In the end, all that really mattered was that the good guys should prevail. By definition, Americans were good guys, and in Top Gun, needless to say, they did prevail.
Тезис о том, что наши хорошие, не наши плохие, на этом мотивация исчерпывается, это что-то новое? В том смысле что раньше пропаганда уделяла образу врага и мотивации несколько болшее внимание? А в 80-е ррраз, и это стало не важно? Это такая ирония или автор серьезно?