И. Кошкин
30.11.2018 13:09:37
Современность; Флот;
Во втором файле есть сомнения отсносительно конструктивных средств обеспечения
непотопляемости этого проекта - в общем смысле, неадекватное разбиение на отсеки и вопросы насчет сохранения метацентра при затоплении двух смежных - общее место в военном кораблестроении уже с век или около того:
The AIBN has found safety critical issues relating to the vessel's watertight compartments. This must be assumed to also apply to the other four Nansen-class frigates. It cannot be excluded that the same applies to vessels of a similar design delivered by Navantia, or that the design concept continues to be used for similar vessel models. The AIBN assumes that its findings are not in conformity with the required damage stability standard for the Nansen-class frigates.
Далее в том смысле, что
Next, the crew found that water from the aft generator room was running into the gear room via the hollow propeller shafts and that the gear room was filling up fast. From the gear room, the water then ran into and was flooding the aft and fore engine rooms via the stuffing boxes in the bulkheads. This meant that the flooding became substantially more extensive than indicated by the original damage. Based on the flooding of the gear room, it was decided to prepare for evacuation.
т.е. водонепроницаемость переборок смежных отсеков не обеспечена - из отделения кормовых вспомогачей вода пошла через сами валолинии к редукторам, оттуда - в оба МО через сальниковые уплотнения.
В общем, испанцы получили объективный обзор качества постройки их кораблей