От realswat Ответить на сообщение
К Г.С.
Дата 16.12.2016 10:18:02 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWI; Флот; Версия для печати

Re: Рассмотрим начальные...

>Борьба за звание "всемирной мастерской"

Ну да, вот Мардер: The fact is that economic competition was by the pre-war decade no longer the decisive factor in the rivalries of nations. Metternich and even the Naval Attaches, Coerper and Widenmann, were certain that no one in business and industry in England wanted a war. Competition was highly preferable; it ensured the uninterrupted importation of food supplies for the people and of raw materials for industry, and of trade with Britain's best customer, Germany.

Вот свежее исследование: In reality the state of Anglo-German trade aroused limited concern in Britain. Most of it was complimentary—the areas of direct competition were few and of German superiority fewer—and the Foreign Office took the view that competition was just what British industry needed. Moreover it was clear that a commitment to free trade was the only way in which Britain’s huge wealth and worldwide interests could avoid arousing the hostility of potential enemies. In foreign policy the natural interests of the two powers clashed only in peripheral matters. By contrast the quarrels of Britain and France were real and substantial, but they could be adjusted because they were concrete, identifiable matters of territory and authority, which could be negotiated if the will was there. So long as Germany chose to stand on the emotional intangibles of Germanness [Deutschtum], world presence [Weltgeltung], and equal entitlement [Gleichberechtigung] and treat diplomatic approaches as insults, no settlement with her was possible. Ultimately all historical analysis fails before the sheer irrationality of German naval plans, which were founded on a mass of internal contradictions and ungrounded assumptions and which seriously proposed that a reduction in some number of battleships must be “the renunciation of Germany as a great cultural nation.

>Анализ постфактум показывает, что в такой ситуации разумно было бы тратить идущие на флот ресурсы на расходные материалы для блицкрига - лодки, эсминцы, скоростные минзаги и т.п. - которые могли бы задержать английские перевозки на континент.
>Вместо этого идет безнадежная дредноутная гонка, и флот на блицкриг практически не влияет.
>Вот ПМСМ единственное, что следует выкатить в упрек Тирпицу.

Это "единственное" по факту значит "вся политика Тирпица была ошибочна". С такими защитниками и прокуроров не надо)