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К Iva
Дата 02.12.2016 12:21:58 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Флот; Версия для печати

И ещё немного байтных цитат))

>И не ФОМ изменил международную ситуацию, а быстрый экономический рост Германии. ФОМ был удобным маркером.

Ещё немного Артура Джей Мардера с вкраплениями прямой и косвенной речи тогдашних ЛПР:

That the economic competition was the cause of the hostile British feeling towards Germany was also rejected by Grey categorically, and by most British and German statesmen and writers. No, what poisoned Anglo-German relations was, basically, the security problem-the British belief that Germany aimed at Continental, then world, hegemony. How else could one account for the creation of a great fleet in addition to a formidable army? The rapid expansion of the German Navy was proof of what Grey called Germany's 'itch to dominate', and was giving her the weapon, combined with the massive German Army, for achieving this ambition. This was the inflexible belief both of British statesmen and of the general public. The German Naval Attache recognized this as clearly as did Metternich when he wrote in 1907: 'The steadily increasing sea-power of Germany constitutes the greatest obstacle to England's freedom of political action. This is the central point of the unsatisfactory relations of the two nations to one another. All other frequently advanced grounds competition in commerce, industry, and shipping, partisanship during the Boer War, etc.-are side issues.' If the words in italics (those of the present writer) were changed to read 'danger to England's security', the statement would exactly represent the British position. Now, the naval rivalry did not cause the war; but it ensured that when war did break out, Great Britain would be on the side of Germany's enemies .

В соответствии с правилами аннотация: "ФОМ гарантировал вступление Британии в ПМВ на стороне Германии. Экономика ни при чём".
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