От Пауль Ответить на сообщение
К А.Никольский Ответить по почте
Дата 21.03.2016 17:07:46 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Танки; Память; Локальные конфликты; Версия для печати

Автор ряда "мурзилок".


Robert Forczyk has a PhD in International Relations and National Security from the University of Maryland and a strong background in European and Asian military history. He retired as a lieutenant colonel from the US Army Reserves having served 18 years as an armour officer in the US 2nd and 4th infantry divisions and as an intelligence officer in the 29th Infantry Division (Light). Dr Forczyk is currently a consultant in the Washington, DC area.

С уважением, Пауль.