Bud’s Gun Shop is one of the more popular discount firearms retailers on the internet, and a place I’ve purchased a number of firearms over the years. This afternoon they sent out a very interesting email detailing the top 15 firearms sold through their store in the last year rank ordered by volume
1. Mosin-Nagant M91/30 7.62X54R
2. New Ruger LCP .380
3. S&W Sigma SW9VE 9mm Black/Stainless
4. S&W Sigma SW40VE .40SW Black/Stainless
5. Ruger LC9 7+1 9mm Bl 3 dot Adj Sts
6. Bushmaster CAR15 223 16 BSH REDD DOT
7. Hi-Point 34510 45ACP/P 45ACP 9RD POLYMEER
8. Ruger SR9c 9mm Compact Black
9. Taurus 24/7-9SSP17 9MM PRO SS
10. Ruger 22/45 Mark III 22LR 5.5″ Blued ADJUSTABLE SIGHTS