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Дата 06.06.2011 14:28:41 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; WWII; Военные игры; Версия для печати

Re: Российский форум...

(приветственно подтягивает свежекупленные штаны)
>(приветственно подтягивает свежекупленные штаны)

>"Пользовательские" миссии - это нечто... :(

Ещё перл:


"You are the drunken slob known as Kapitan Anton Balabanov. Your uniform is a disgrace and you last polished your boots by stepping in large pile of manure. You haven't shaved since the war began. However you fight like a demon. You are tolerated for this and being a complete toady to the communist party.

You always carry four ready to use molotov cocktails, made with spirits instead of gasoline....of course you tend to drink them dry at night but it seems to inspire the men.

Defend this area. Prevent any enemy incursions to prevent them from gaining intelligence on our upcoming attack. You're not completely sure when the attack will be but you are following orders and not asking questions."