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К Mich
Дата 25.01.2011 17:53:47 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Флот; Локальные конфликты; Версия для печати

"Дружественный Египет"

"Иранцы лгуны спонсирующие терроризм"
"Они [иранцы] большие и толстые лгуны, оправдывающие свое вранье тем что они верят, что это ради высоких целей"

"Президент Египта дал ясно понять что он видит в Иране основную стратегическую угрозу Египту и региону."

(S/NF) President Mubarak has made it clear that he sees
IRAN as Egypt's -- and the region's -- primary strategic
threat. His already dangerous neighborhood, he has stressed,
has only become more so since the fall of Saddam, who, as
nasty as he was, nevertheless stood as a wall against IRAN,
according to Mubarak. He now sees Tehran's hand moving with
ease throughout the region, "from the Gulf to Morocco," as he
told a recent congressional delegation. The immediate threat
to Egypt comes from IRANian conspiracies with Hamas (which he
sees as the "offspring" of his own most dangerous internal
political threat, the Muslim Brotherhood) to stir up unrest
in Gaza, but he is also concerned about IRANian machinations
in SUDAN and their efforts to create havoc elsewhere in the
region, including in Lebanon via Hezbollah. While Tehran's
nuclear threat is also a cause for concern, Mubarak is more
urgently seized with what he sees as the rise of pan-Shi'ism
and IRANian attempts to dominate the Middle East. "

"Иран эффективно вмешивается во внутренние дела в Ливане, Палестине и Ираке. Иранские ядерные амбиции могут существенно изменить баланс сил в регионе и содействуют дальнейшей региональной нестабильности и усилению конфликтов", "Иран - угроза для региона"
"al-Assar noted that IRAN effectively interfered in
the internal affairs of Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq. He commented
that IRAN's nuclear ambitions would significantly change the
balance of power in the region and was contributing to further
regional instability and intensifying the conflicts. Al-Assar
stated that Egypt views IRAN as a threat to the region and its
conventional and unconventional WEAPONS would only increase the
instability in the region. Al-Assar commented that if IRAN was
successful in obtaining nuclear WEAPONS, it would only encourage
other countries in the Middle East to pursue the same path."

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