От Chestnut Ответить на сообщение
К Chestnut Ответить по почте
Дата 11.03.2009 15:15:15 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Современность; Версия для печати

Re: [2Chestnut] [2Chestnut]...

Major-General Antonin Petrák
Officer whose Czechoslovak armoured brigade had a key role in the Allied invasion of Normandy


Petr Uruba
Pilot who joined the RAF to free his native Czechoslovakia from the Nazis, then fell foul of the communists


а вот эти я, кажется, в своё время пропустил:

Lieutenant-Colonel Eric Wilson, VC
Camel Corps officer who was awarded a posthumous VC in action in Africa in 1940 — but survived to fight another day


Major ‘Spud’ Gibbon
Royal Artillery officer who as a PoW in the Korean War endured torture and was awarded the George Medal for his fortitude


Lieutenant-Commander Ian Fraser, VC
Submariner who sank a Japanese cruiser in a daring attack off Singapore in 1945 for which he and a leading seaman won the VC


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