The └official⌠ part of the Attrition War came to an end by a cease-fire, at Midday of 4 August 1970. By that time, both sides were actually on the end of their strengths: the Egyptians have suffered a loss of between 101 and 113 aircraft, of which 25 to Hawk SAMs, but their human losses were at least ten times higher and including √ according to Egyptian sources √ up to 4.000 civilian engineers and workers. The Israelis suffered a loss of 594 dead (including 33 IDF/AF personnel) in addition to 15 or 16 aircraft
К 1970 году обе стороны истощили свои силы. Египтяне потеряли 101-113 самолетов (из них 25 сбиты Хоками). Потяряно ок 4000 персонала согласно египетским источникам.
Израиль потерял 15-16 самолетов и 594 человеа убитыми