06.07.2008 15:36:14
Современность; Танки;
ББМ Marauder и Matador в Азербайджане
Вот такая новость о планах Азербайджана по организации производства ББМ Marauder и Matador (из последнего JDW):
"A day before the parade [26 июня] President Aliyev participated in a live presentation of Middle East Defence Systems (MDS) Matador and Marauder mine-protected patrol vehicles, which are manufactured in Jordan, and apparently recommended that production lines for these vehicles be established in Azerbaijan. In May Jordan's King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB), a co-owner of MDS, signed a defence co-operation accord with the Azeri Ministry of Defence Industry in Baku".
Первоисточник (азербайджанское ТВ Lider TV) об этом:
"Afterwards, the president visited an exhibition of products manufactured at the plant. President Ilham Aliyev took part in the presentation of the Matador and Marauder modern armoured vehicles. He inquired about the quality of the armoured vehicles. President Ilham Aliyev recommended that these types of armoured vehicles should be produced in Azerbaijan and issued instructions to further develop all production areas at the plant".
Сами машинки Marauder и Matador разработаны южноафриканской компанией Paramount Group, совместным предприятием которой с KADDB и является MDS:
С уважением, Exeter