>Pakistans Armee sucht drei US-Hubschrauber, die wie vom Erdboden verschwunden sind.
>Дословный перевод:
>Армия Пакистана ищет три американских вертолета, которые исчезли с поверхности земли.
Сами же американцы говорят вот что:
"KABUL (Reuters) - Four U.S. helicopter engines worth more than $13 million have been stolen while they were being trucked from Afghanistan to a port in Pakistan to be shipped home, the U.S. military said.
It was not known if the shipment went missing on the Afghan side of the border or in Pakistan, Sergeant Mark Swart said on Thursday.
"We don't have the information on exactly where it disappeared. We just know that it did not get to the port," he said." http://www.reuters.com/article/newsMaps/idUSISL16392220080619
4 движка украли. Грузовик с ними из Афганистана был отправлен, а в пакистанский порт не пришёл. Где исчез, в Афгане или Пакистане - неизвестно.