15.08.2000 09:11:07
WWII; Армия; Память;
FLAK 36 88mm Multipurpose Gun кто прокомментирует(+)
Добрый день.
Вот образец унивесальной арт.системы
The Flak 36 is a German artillery piece used during World War II. It was primarily an antiaircraft gun but could be adapted to antitank and general artillery use. It consists of a single 88mm gun on a mount equipped with three systems of fire control: antiaircraft, direct (line of sight), and indirect fire. The cruciform (cross-shaped) mount is provided with two hinged outriggers for stability when firing in directions other than front and rear. The gun was widely used against high-flying Allied aircraft.
The term "flak" has been used by the AAF and USAF from WW II to the present to describe antiaircraft fire. Its origin is the German phrase for antiaircraft cannon - FLiegerAbwehrKannon (Flier Defense Cannon).
Можно сказать что немцы в WWII создали интегрированную систему вооружения(танки,арт.системы, хотя не уверен совместимы ли БП для них) также как затем Калашников для стрелкового вооружения.
Нечто похожее хотел создать Грабин (Ф-22) но ему это IMHO не удалось.