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Дата 29.02.2008 15:29:38 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; Спецслужбы; Версия для печати

И про HLR

The EIR (Equipment Identity Register) is often integrated to the HLR. The EIR keeps a list of mobile phones (identified by their IMEI) which are to be banned from the network or monitored. This is designed to allow tracking of stolen mobile phones. In theory all data about all stolen mobile phones should be distributed to all EIRs in the world through a Central EIR. It is clear, however, that there are some countries where this is not in operation. The EIR data does not have to change in real time, which means that this function can be less distributed than the function of the HLR.


То есть система отслеживания украденных мобильных даже часто вострена в HLR.