Песня записанная в 1927 году повествует с юмором о парне, попавшем на Испано-американскую войну и вовсе не горящим желанием отличиться в бою. -"Президент Мак Кинли призвал нас к оружиб, так я получил винтовку. Но когда я увидел первого испанца, я бросил ее и убежал.Ты почему бежишь, Потому что летать не могу... И все из за чертового "Мэна".... http://www.box.net/shared/zglqsm7n6d
Battleship Of Maine
Mc Kinley called for volunteers,
Then I got my gun,
First Spaniard I saw coming
I dropped my gun and run,
It was all about that Battleship of Maine.
At war with that great nation Spain,
When I get back to Spain I want to honor my name,
It was all about that Battleship of Maine.
Why are you running,
Are you afraid to die,
The reason that I'm running
Is because I cannot fly,
It was all about that Battleship of Maine.
The blood was a-running
And I was running too,
I give my feet good exercise,
I had nothing else to do,
It was all about that Battleship of Maine.
When they were a-chasing me,
I fell down on my knees,
First thing I cast my eyes upon
Was a great big pot of peas,
It was all about that Battleship of Maine.
The peas they were greasy,
The meat it was fat,
The boys was fighting Spaniards
While I was fighting that,
It was all about that Battleship of Maine.
Нашел в сети современный вриант на эту мелодию по поводу Иракской кампании -"Все из за чертового Саддама Хуссейна"
(tune: Just like THE BATTLESHIP OF MAINE, only a lot different)
When George Bush* called our unit up
He said we'd have some fun.
'Cause over in the Middle East
There's lots of sand and sun.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
At war with that man Saddam Hussein,
When I get back to Maine, I'll need some Solarcain.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
Listenin' to the Bluegrass on Bangor radio,
I thought I heard the Dixie Chicks
Say that we should not go.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
We took it back from Cassius Clay,
We took it from Pete Rose.
We'll take it from the Dixie Chicks.
We give 'em all the hose.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
Wea-pons of mass destructions,
Disclosure's incomplete.
We know Saddam has got them,
'Cause Cheney's got receipts.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
Them Frenchies and them Ruskies
All said we should not go.
So did my crazy Uncle Fud,
And half of Idaho.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
Rummy said to get Saddam
To shoot him if we could.
I told him they had doubles
A lookin' just as good.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
Cheney said their oil wells -
To capture and secure.
But nerve gas makes me nervous,
So me, I'm not so sure.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
When I get to I -Rack
I'll bow and take a knee
And thank the Lord our Leadership
Is safe home in DC.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
General Frank said fire at Will
I said I could not see.
Is he behind the human shield?
The old fool fired at me.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
We seek him here, we seek him there,
We seek him everywhere.
Saddam elusive dictator
The French say, "C'est la guerre".
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
When I chased Noriega
All over Panama
We only killed four thousand folks
To put him behind bars (aside: to write memoirs, smoke cigars and play guitars)
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
Anthrax attacks and maniacs
Are drivin' me insane.
Politics and Dixie Chicks,
Wish I had stayed in Maine.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
If I get back to Bangor, Maine
I'll get down on one knee,
And ask one of them Dixie Chicks
If she will marry me.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
At war with that man Saddam Hussein,
When I get back to Maine, I'll need some Solarcain.
It's all about that damn Saddam Hussein.
А вот песня записанная в 1915 году и называется "Когда "Лузитания" затонула". Прислушался к словам и поразился. Насколько Америка не хотела влезать тогда в войну! Ни разу не упомянута причина затопления, или немцы. Более того говорится, что событие очень печальное, но что поделаешь, никто в этом не виноват(!), остается только плакать и вздыхать по бедным жертвам!!! http://www.box.net/shared/2eiza1rhac
Прошло всего полтора года и в песнях уже предлагалось зарубить Кайзера томагавком... А тогда, в 1915, ходу были номера -"Американский марш мира" или "Я вырастила своего сына не для того чтобы он стал солдатом"... Масс медиа была тогда большая сила...