Василий Фофанов
28.11.2006 20:13:24
Справедливости ради сия тварь вполне последовательна...
Вот скажем ее писуля 2-летней давности, декабрь 2004:
BRET STEPHENS: And I'm very sorry to say that the lesson that Putin has taken from his first four years in office is that he really has nothing to fear from the West. I mean, President Bush -- we might look back and say President Bush's biggest mistake in office was to look into Vladimir Putin's eyes and see a trusting soul there. Well, it didn't turn out that way. Putin has been abusing America's trust in terms of our foreign policy. He's been oppositional over Iraq, over Iran, over North Korea. He's run an increasingly autocratic and repressive domestic policy in Russia. Now he's returning to this policy of the near abroad. And I think it's time the administration gets a lesson that this guy isn't a friend.
Так что у этого патефона имеется всего одна пластинка.
С уважением, Василий Фофанов http://armor.kiev.ua/fofanov