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Дата 22.09.2005 21:55:55 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWI; Танки; Версия для печати

Российские бронетрактрора в ПМВ

Есть ли какая нибудь информачия об использовании Русской армией импровизированных бронетракторов в ПМВ? Тут у меня один товаришь спросил про бронирование четырех тракторов Killen-Strait под Ригой в 1917 году. Есть-ли какая то информация по ним?

Вот что он пишет:
Basically, it has a chapter of written memoirs by a Russian Colonel that are mixed with summaries/comments by the author (because of they share the same the officer seems to be an ancestor of the author) who was charged with getting four unarmored Killen-Strait tractors ready for combat starting in early 1917. The author affirms the tractors did have a turrets taken from Lancaster's armored cars changed to use captured Schwarzlose M7/12 MGs but apparently the armor itself was shipped to his unit based slightly to the North of Riga from the Pulitov Works. One unit was left with an open top and arrangements were made to equip it with a Rosenberg m/15 but for some reason it was instead changed to use the 37mm Infanteriegeschütz M.15. It seems that while two units had seen action a couple of weeks prior to Russia withdrawing from the war the cannon equipped unit had mechanical problems and parts shortages that prevented it from being used during the First World War while one of MG equipped units broke down to often to see combat till the civil war.

The author further reports that two of the MG equipped Killen-Strait armored tractors were captured by the Germans at the end of hostilities but only one was in working order. Apparently,
conflicting reports exist as to what the Germans did with them as some of the author’s sources indicate it was used on Western front and destroyed while others say that it was never used in combat. Apparently, the second unit the Germans had was repaired but stayed in Russia and somehow wound up in the Hands of the Finns although no knows what happened to it. Apparently, the last MG equipped and one mounting the cannon were used by the Soviets during the civil war in the Ukraine but no seems to know what happened to them.

