11.08.2005 19:01:15
Новая бомба для точечного поражения многоэтажных железобетонных зданий
ВВС США разрабатывает новую бомбу (HardSTOP), предназначенную для нейтрализации вражеских сил в многоэтажных зданиях, которая в тоже самое время минимизирует опасность для своих солдат и гражданских лиц вблизи. HardSTOP состоит из 50-и поражающих элементов (в двух размерах) с боеголовкой замедленного действия , способных проникнуть глубоко в интерьер типичного многоэтажного здания. Навождение на цель производится с помощью системы GPS. Система может быть запрограммированна для поэтапного или одновременного взрыва на нескольких этажах.
Design of urban weapon revealed
Michael Sirak JDW Staff Reporter
Washington, DC
Details have emerged about the air-dropped weapon the US Air Force is
developing to support operations in tight urban confines.
The Hardened Surface Target Ordnance Package (HardSTOP) is designed to
penetrate a multi-storey building to neutralise enemy forces within, while
minimising the amount of structural damage done to the building and sparing
adjacent structures and friendly troops and civilians in the vicinity.
The air force only revealed the existence of HardSTOP at a Congressional
oversight hearing in March, although it now acknowledges that the weapon has
been in development since April 2003. The Air Force Research Laboratory
Munitions Directorate at Eglin Air Force Base leads the project.
HardSTOP uses a Tactical Munitions Dispenser (TMD) that contains more than
50 small munitions of two sizes that can penetrate deep into the interior of
a typical multi-storey building, according to the service. The TMD is fitted
with Lockheed Martin's GPS-guidance-aided Wind Corrected Munition Dispenser
tailkit. This gives the weapon "highly accurate" delivery, according to an
air force statement.
The size of the impact pattern from the multiple munitions can be precisely
controlled and adjusted down to as little as 6 m in diameter to allow for a
specific building or part of a building to be targeted, the statement said.
Each munition contains a small explosive charge and a programmable fuze. The
fuzes can be adjusted so that all of the munitions explode at the same time
or go off at intervals, thereby allowing the HardSTOP to attack either a
single level or multiple storeys simultaneously.
The fuze design incorporates passive fail-safe deactivation features to
prevent friendly forces and non-combatants from detonating any unexploded
munitions post-strike.
The HardSTOP's design is "very close" to the external dimensions and weight
characteristics of its existing TMD-based weapons, the statement said. This
makes it compatible with aircraft that employ the latter and significantly
reduces the time and cost of its integration on the platforms.
The service said it conducted a successful flight test in January using a
HardSTOP carrying inert munitions.