24.03.2013 00:17:09
11-19 век; Униформа;
Даже интересно стало
Если классическая широкополая шляпа принадлежность только офицерского мундира, то что же носил рядовой состав?
Собственно, по "монтанам" (официальное название The Campaign Hat, M1911) вот такая ссылка http://www.worldwar1.com/dbc/camph.htm
По поводу отличий головных уборов офицеров и рядового состава:
The differences between officers and enlisted men are the following and apply throughout the next thirty years: HIGHER QUALITY OF FELT [1], usually a darker shade of olive drab for officers; enlisted mens' hats were of a lighter shade of olive [2], ( almost tan in colour and a lower density of felt around 3 or 4 X's); and as mentioned, a hat makers trademark is on the sweatband, and the store trademark where purchased is present only on officers; e.g. John B. Stetson Co., and Greenewalds, of South Carolina.