05.03.2004 16:35:04
11-19 век; Флот;
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In Elizabethan times the fleet grew large enough to be organized into squadrons. The admiral's squadron wore a red ensign, the vice admiral's white, and the rear admiral's blue. As the squadrons grew, each was eventually commanded by an Admiral (with Vice Admirals and Rear Admirals commanding sections) and the official titles became Admiral of the White, etc.
The squadrons ranked in order Red, White and Blue, and admirals ranked according to their squadron. Promotion up the ladder was in accordance with seniority in the rank of post captain, and rank was held for life, so the only way to get promoted was for the person above you on the list to die or resign. Another way was to promote unsuccessful admirals to the next rank without distinction of squadron (a practice known as yellowing - the unfortunate became known as a yellow admiral).
Admiral of the Fleet
Admiral of the White
Admiral of the Blue
Vice Admiral of the Red
Vice Admiral of the White
Vice Admiral of the Blue
Rear Admiral of the Red
Rear Admiral of the White
Rear Admiral of the Blue
Lord Nelson when he died was only a Vice Admiral of the White.