От Игорь Куртуков
К Никита
Дата 06.05.2003 17:09:23
Рубрики Древняя история; 11-19 век;

Ре: [2Никита] Давиес/Поланд/1939...

>К сожалению, даной книги под рукой нет. Оценивая общую ситуацию полагаю, что немцы хотели окончательно оторвать СССР от демократических режимов и добиться его полной и эффективной изоляции на ближайшее время, заставив разделить всю ответственность за падение польского государства.

Предлагаю почитать по этому поводу Риббентропа:

"We definitely expect to have beaten the Polish Army decisively in a few weeks. We would then keep the area that was established as German sphere of interest at Moscow under military occupation. We would naturally, however, for military reasons, also have to proceed further against such Polish military forces as are at that time located in the Polish area belonging to the Russian sphere of interest.

Please discuss this at once with Molotov and see if the Soviet Union does not consider it desirable for Russian forces to move at the proper time against Polish forces in the Russian sphere of interest and, for their part, to occupy this territory. In our estimation this would be not only a relief for us, but also, in the sense of the Moscow agreements, in the Soviet interest as well."


Как видим, доминирует военный аспект - неразгромленные польские силы на "советской" половине требуется разгромить, и если это не сделает Красная Армия, то это сделает Вермахт.

От Chestnut
К Игорь Куртуков (06.05.2003 17:09:23)
Дата 06.05.2003 18:20:33

Ре: [2Никита] Давиес/Поланд/1939...

Очень интересный сайт - судя по всему, я набрел на упоминание именно об этих документах. Но вот какое дело - их прочтение вызывает впечатление, что немцы, хоть и утверждая, что уже фактически разгромили поляков, тем не менее чрезвычайно настойчивы, чтобы СССР поскорее принял участие в деле. Объясняется это тем, что они не хотят связываться с преследованием польских сил аж до советской границы, но уж больно настойчивы.


Moscow, September 10, 1939-9:40 p. m.
No. 317 of September 10

Supplementing my telegram No. 310 of September 9 and with reference to telephone conversation of today with the Reich Foreign Minister.

In today's conference at 4 p. m. Molotov modified his statement of yesterday by saying that the Soviet Government was taken completely by surprise by the unexpectedly rapid German military successes. In accordance with our first communication, the Red Army had counted on several weeks, which had now shrunk to a few days. The Soviet military authorities were therefore in a difficult situation, since, in view of conditions here, they required possibly two to three weeks more for their preparations. Over three minion men were already mobilized.

I explained emphatically to Molotov how crucial speedy action of the Red Army was at this juncture.

Molotov repeated that everything possible was being done to expedite matters. I got the impression that Molotov promised more yesterday than the Red Army can live up to.

Then Molotov came to the political side of the matter and stated that the Soviet Government had intended to take the occasion of the further advance of German troops to declare that Poland was falling apart and that it was necessary for the Soviet Union, in consequence, to come to the aid of the Ukrainians and the White Russians "threatened" by Germany. This argument was to make the intervention of the Soviet Union plausible to the masses and at the same time avoid giving the Soviet Union the appearance of an aggressor.

This course was blocked for the Soviet Government by a DNB report yesterday to the effect that, in accordance with a statement by Colonel General Brauchitsch, military action was no longer necessary on the German eastern border. The report created the impression that a German-Polish armistice was imminent. If, however Germany concluded an armistice, the Soviet Union could not start a "new war."

I stated that I was unacquainted with this report, which was not in accordance with the facts. I would make inquiries at once.


А вот здесь Риббентроп упоминает интересную причину - надо закончить кампанию, пока сезон остается подходящий:
6) Since the military operations must be concluded as soon as possible because of the advanced season of the year, we would be gratified if the Soviet Government would set a day and hour on which their army would begin their advance, so that we on our part might govern ourselves accordingly. For the purpose of the necessary coordination of military operations on either side, it is also necessary that a representative of each Government, as well as German and Russian officers on the spot in the area of operations, should have a meeting in order to take the necessary steps, for which meeting we propose to assemble at Bialystok by air.

I request an immediate reply by telegraph. The change in text agreed upon by Gaus with Hilger has already been taken care of.


Поляки тоже рассчитывали на наступление дождей и распутицу.

От Никита
К Игорь Куртуков (06.05.2003 17:09:23)
Дата 06.05.2003 17:18:18

Спасибо. (-)