К Ibuki
Дата 30.07.2012 23:05:46
Рубрики Современность; Танки; Армия;

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On soft clay soils, tracked AFVs have a significant trafficability advantage over wheeled AFVs. Whilst CTIS can markedly improve the trafficability of wheeled vehicles, the evidence suggests that, compared on a weight-for-weight basis, tracked AFVs still offer superior trafficability. On coarse grained soils (sands), the results indicate unequivocally that tracked AFVs have superior trafficability compared to that of wheeled AFVs even when equipped with CTIS.

Tracked AFVs are generally better able to cross undeformable trenches and climb rigid steps. It would be reasonable to expect tracked AFVs to offer a superior capability over other obstacles including those likely to be encountered in an urban environment.

С уважением, SSC