Неизбежна сделка и совместном проектировании тяжелого вертолета РФ-КНР
По словам высокопоставленного предствителя ОАК неизбежна сделка по совместной разработке тяжелого вертолета на базе Ми-26 между РФ и КНР.
12 марта в газете Чайна Дейли был опубликован материал, в котором директор китайской AVIC говорит, что с обе страны достигли большого прогресса в подготовке контракта на базе подписанного Меморандума о взаимопонимании.
КНР хочет получить тяжелые вертолеты и РФ - модернизировать Ми-26
Также говорится, что Lantian Helicopter Company, где по лицензии выпускают Ми-171, планирует довести годовой выпуск до 80 в год
Sino-Russian helicopter deal imminent, says senior official
Jon Grevatt Asia-Pacific Reporter
China and Russia will shortly sign a contract to jointly develop a heavy-lift helicopter platform based on the Mil Mi-26, a senior official of China's Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC) has indicated.
In comments published on 12 March by the China Daily , a government-run newspaper, Zhang Hongbiao - the director of AVIC's science and technology commission - said the two countries had made "great progress" on finalising the deal since a memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed in October 2008.
Hongbiao - who is also the former president of AVIC II - said he expected the contract to be signed soon as the co-development of the aircraft will benefit both countries. China lacks heavy-lift helicopters, he said, while Russia was looking to upgrade its Mi-26.
Earlier reports had suggested that the helicopters would weigh between 20 to 30 tonnes and would be in service by 2015.
China's lack of indigenous capability in developing and manufacturing heavy-lift helicopters was highlighted by the devastating earthquake that occurred in Sichuan province on 12 May 2008.
Speaking soon after the disaster, Professor Li Daguang, an academic at China's National University of Defence Technology, said through state media that China relied solely on its Mil Mi-26 models - in both commercial and military versions - for heavy-lift operations during the earthquake.
Due to China's apparent capability gap, the joint partnership is likely to include a licensed production or assembly deal, similar the one that China secured last year in its procurement of Mi-171 transport helicopters.
Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported on 12 May that the Lantian Helicopter Company in southwest China had commenced assembly of the Mi-171 as part of China's plans to build at least 20 of the helicopters in 2008 with assembly kits supplied by a Russian plant in Ulan-Ude.
It added that the Chinese company would later increase production capacity to 80 aircraft per year.
>Также говорится, что Lantian Helicopter Company, где по лицензии выпускают Ми-171, планирует довести годовой выпуск до 80 в год
>Due to China's apparent capability gap, the joint partnership is likely to include a licensed production or assembly deal, similar the one that China secured last year in its procurement of Mi-171 transport helicopters.
>Russian state news agency RIA Novosti reported on 12 May that the Lantian Helicopter Company in southwest China had commenced assembly of the Mi-171 as part of China's plans to build at least 20 of the helicopters in 2008 with assembly kits supplied by a Russian plant in Ulan-Ude.
>It added that the Chinese company would later increase production capacity to 80 aircraft per year.
Не знаю как насчет тяжелых вертолетов, но про сборку Ми-171 представитель "Вертолетов России" на выставке в Бангалоре сказал, что собрали один и на этом решили остановиться.