13.11.2004 12:46:29
Современность; ВВС;
Статья о Рубеже 2004 - описание учений
В AFM (Air Forces Monthly) статья про учения Рубеж 2004 в Киргизстане.
Привожу наиболее интересную информацию из статьи.
Kant air base:
For over a year the outpost of the OSCT's Collective Rapid Deployment Forces' aircraft arm has been Kant air base, 18 miles (30 km) east of Bishkek...
The agreement to stand up the Russian air base at Kant was signed in Moscow on September 22, 2003, during a visit to Russia by Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev...
Kant air base is now the home of an estimated 72 MiG-21 Fishbed fighters which stayed there after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as well as several Czechoslovak-made L-39 jet trainers. However, the MiG-21s have not been airworthy for a number of years. According to the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the Kyrgyz Air Force's mainstay is its rotary-wing aircraft, which comprise 23 multi-purpose Mi-8s and nine Mi-24 attack helicopters.
Most are garrisoned on the southern outskirts of Bishkek at Frunze-1 air base, another former airfield that trained international students. Kant is also the base from which which Kyrgyz pilots flew combat missions to the south of the country four years ago, whwn rebels from the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan invaded the Batken region of Kyrgyzstan...
Two RusAF Su-25 attack aircraft have been on duty at Kant since December 5, 2002, another three Su-25s being transported there by Il-76 airlifters on October 18, 2003. These aircraft, along with four Kyrgyz Air Force L-39 trainers and a pair of KyrAF Mi-8s, have been operational since late last year. Further plans include provison to base up to 700 personnel. Betweeen five and seven Sukhoi Su-27 Flankers will also bolster the RusAF air group. Aircraft of the type first visited Kant last autumn: five Su-27s were flown there from Lipetsk on October 20 in preparation for the opening ceremony. However, they later returned home and only five Russian Su-25s now remain at Kant.
At Edelweiss:
The key events of Exercise Rubezh 2004 took place from August 3-6 at the Edelweiss training ground, in the mountains northeast of Lake Issyk-Kul, rougly 80-90 miles (120-130 km) east of Bishkek and about 60 miles (100 km) from Kant AB.
The scenario at Edelweiss involved a rebel formation violating a border and heading for a village in the mountains. The Emergency Control Ministry (EMERCOM) and the Ministry of Interior, with Kyrgyz MI-8s providing close air support (CAS), launched an operation to evacuate the villagers.
Кратко на русском - пока в Канте только 5 Су-25 (2 с 5-12-02 и 3 с 18-10-03), будет еще 5-7 Су-27 (5 прилетело 20-10-03 к открытию, но они вернулись обратно). Учения происходили 3-6 Августа в горах северо-восточнее озера Иссык-Куль.
В учениях участвовали:
3 Су-25 (Бн 01, 50, 51) и 1 Су-25УБ (Бн 05) из Канта
2 Су-27УБ (Бн 17, 62) и 1 Су-30 (Бн 66) из 4-го ЦБП и ПЛС в Липецке
один из Су-27УБ - "президентский", на нем Путин летал в Чечню (Бн 17, нарисован штандарт президента).
3 Су-24М2 (Бн 40, 44, 45) из 4-го ЦБП и ПЛС
1 А-50 (Бн 51) из 2457-ой авиабазы в Иваново-Северном
2 Ми-24ПН (Бн 27, 30) из 344-го ЦБП и ПЛС в Торжке
1 Ка-50 (Бн 25) прилетевший на деньги Камова в качестве попытки давления на Ми-28
4 Су-27С ВВС Казахстана
С уважением, Draken