>>Это обычный спор о терминологии. Буржуи на наше "оперативное искусство" говорят "стратегия", а на "стратегию" "большая стратегия" (grand strategy)
Почему? "Operational art" они употребляют крайне редко, и чаще всего в применении к советскому военному искусству.
"стратегия" определяется как
The art of a commander-in-chief; the planning and direction of the larger military movements and overall operations of a campaign.
Often defined as the art of projecting and directing campaigns, military strategy came to preempt almost the whole field of generalship, short of the battlefield itself.
в то же время
the appearance of the term grand strategy (or higher strategy), meaning the art of employing all the resources of a nation or coalition of nations to achieve the objects of war (and peace), steadily became more popular in the literature of warfare and statecraft of the 20th century.
Ре: Неправда. - Игорь Куртуков03.03.2004 15:52:22 (122, 557 b)
Ре: Неправда. - Chestnut03.03.2004 15:59:45 (100, 1244 b)
Ре: Неправда. - Игорь Куртуков03.03.2004 17:00:18 (96, 147 b)