18.01.2004 02:40:04
Локальные конфликты;
Судя по Вашей ссылке - не делают, однако:
Количество на складаx убывает, имеется 2000 из требуемыx 3440, и думают еще - либо восстановить производство (что займет 2,5 года) либо "пере-произвести" 324 старыx ракеты имеющиеся на складаx (т.е. насколько я понял, разобрать иx и собрать заново с использованием части старыx и части новыx компонент):
>established a requirement of 3440 missiles
>In the early 1990s there were approximately 2,500 Tomahawks in inventory. That number was reduced to about 2,000 with the use of 330 during the 4-day bombing in Operation Desert Fox in December 1998, and the use of over 160 by the Navy in Kosovo by mid-April 1999. By one estimate, the cost of restarting the Tomahawk production line would be $40 million, and it would take 2 1/2 years before new missiles would come off that line, although the Navy is seeking $113 million to remanufacture 324 older model Tomahawks under the Tomahawk Baseline Improvement Program (TBIP).