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Дата 02.05.2003 10:16:02 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Флот; Версия для печати

Китайские эсминцы пр.052В получат ЗРК "Штиль-1"

Прояснился вопрос о том, какое вооружение получат строящиеся в Шанхае эскадренные миноносцы пр.052В.

Chinese destroyers may have Shtil air-defence system

Yihong Chang JDW Correspondent
Additional reporting Richard Scott JDW Naval Editor

New photographs have revealed that the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy's (PLAN's) new Type 052B guided-missile destroyers will be equipped with the Russian-made Shtil-1 area air-defence missile system.

Two Type 052B vessels (168 and 169) were launched last year from the Jiangnan Shipyard in Shanghai. Both are now fitting out at the yard. The Shtil-1 system, developed by the Altair State Research and Production Association, uses the 9M317 missile manufactured by the Dolgoprudny Scientific Production Enterprise JSC.

Recent photographs of the two Type 052B ships show two MR-90 Orekh fire-control radars installed, port and starboard, above the bridge of ship 168. The MR-90 Orekh is associated with the Shtil-1, providing semi-active illumination to the 9M317 missile. The Shtil system is in service with the PLAN aboard two Russian-built Project 956E Sovremenny-class destroyers commissioned in December 1999 and January 2001. Each Sovremenny has a single 3S90 launcher and six radars; there is speculation that the Type 052B will also have up to six MR-90 Orekh fire-control radars, although photographs to date show just two illuminators fitted.

Photographs taken at the Shanghai yard also show the first of a follow-on destroyer class structurally complete on the slipway. Significantly, apertures visible on the forward superstructure may show that this vessel will be equipped with a new phased-array radar system using four fixed-planar arrays in a similar fashion to the US Navy's SPY-1D system (associated with the Aegis air-defence system). Such a developmental phased-array radar may have been tested aboard the Dahua-class trials vessel 970. This vessel is also believed to be the test platform for a vertical-launch missile system.

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