Вот например, еще в марте "Вашингтон пост" писала, что иракское правительство отказало американским запросам остановить иранские транспортные полеты в Сирию или хотя бы проверять их.
"The Iraqi government has refused U.S. requests to stop Iranian cargo flights to Syria, despite being aware of credible intelligence that the planes are transporting up to 30 tons of weapons, according to a U.S. official.
The U.S. has made several requests in recent months to the Iraqi government, including directly to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, to either stop allowing Iran to use its airspace or allow the planes to be inspected in compliance with international law." http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/mar/15/iraq-resists-us-prod-lets-iran-fly-arms-to-syria/
Это ложь - Zamir Sovetov12.07.2012 09:06:41 (381, 384 b)