Александр Антонов
20.09.2010 18:44:13
Современность; Флот;
В смысле "включаться" в АСУ силами и средствами ПВО/ПРО соединения СЕС?
Так они вроде в этом году собирались с этим вопросом разбираться:
" http://www.janes.com/news/defence/jdw/jdw091201_1_n.shtml :
"... The UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) will decide in 2010 whether to acquire the US Navy's Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) for integration into selected Royal Navy (RN) surface ships after concluding a third tranche of Assessment Phase (AP3) studies.
"This comes five years after initial plans to integrate the UK CEC system into Type 23 frigates and Type 45 destroyers were brought to a sudden halt as a result of budget pressure...."
Without CEC, ships fitted with PAAMS/Sea Viper systems are in effect restricted to a less-than-8-mile radius ship fleet-defence protection capability-envelope:
.... and are unable to react to the most likely to be encountered- and most capable- types of airborne anti-ship threats, IE supersonic sea skimming anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs*)- until ASCM's are less than 40 seconds from potential impact and about 18 miles out..."
Поучившись воевать вместе с американцами видимо как раз разберутся нужны ли им терминалы АСУ силами и средствами ПВО/ПРО соединения CEC или без них (в целях бюджетной экономии) можно обойтись. :)
С уважением, Александр