От Ibuki Ответить на сообщение
К В. Кашин
Дата 06.07.2009 15:35:33 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Армия; Артиллерия; Версия для печати

Японский "миномет-лопата"

Интересно насколько вот эта штука инспирировала американцев на разработку М-79?

"...Japanese weapons responsible for 1,569 Allied casualties...mortar: 42.0 percents... grenade 13.1 percents..."

"...Wounds ascribed to the mortar at Bougainville in many instances were actually produced by the grenade discharger. Mistakenly called the knee mortar, this weapon, because of its accuracy and efficiency, had earned the respect of the American combat troops and was more feared than any other Japanese weapon. If the "knee mortar" was grouped with the other types of captured mortars, it was found to constitute approximately 90 percent of the total..."