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Дата 24.07.2008 12:59:01 Найти в дереве
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ЭМ Zumwalt построят всего 2 штуки вместо 7

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по причине бюджетных ограничений. Вместо отмененных кораблей для флота построят 9 новых Орли Берков.

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Budget Pressures Weigh on Navy
Steep Costs Drive Plans to Curtail
New Destroyers
July 24, 2008; Page A2

The Navy wants to curtail plans for a series of high-tech destroyers in the latest sign that budget pressures are reining in some of the defense industry's most ambitious weapons systems.
Northrop Grumman
The Zumwalt-class destroyer's costs have the Navy re-examining whether it is necessary for current missions.

Previous plans had called for General Dynamics Corp. and Northrop Grumman Corp. to build seven Zumwalt-class destroyers, futuristic ships that have more advanced electronic systems and are able to operate with a smaller crew, which reduces costs. The Navy says the cost of the first two ships will be $3.3 billion each, but the Congressional Budget Office estimates a price of $5 billion apiece. The Navy now wants just one from each company's shipyards, according to Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins, who was briefed by the service.

Instead, the Navy will buy nine ships of an existing destroyer design through 2015, according to Sen. Collins, whose state includes the General Dynamics Bath Iron Works shipyard. Northrop's Ingalls shipyard in Mississippi also will vie for the work. The cheaper, and less sophisticated, alternative, the Arleigh Burke class that has been around since the 1980s, would cost about $2.4 billion in fiscal-year 2007 dollars, according to the Navy.

According to people familiar with the Navy's plans, the Navy has reconsidered whether such advanced ships are necessary for current missions given their cost and complexity, and that a greater number of upgraded Arleigh Burke ships would be better suited to certain missions, such as missile defense.

Sen. Collins said in a statement that the Navy's cancellation of the program was tied to a lack of funding in the House defense authorization bill; the Senate had set aside $2.6 billion for a third ship.

The Navy said it would be inappropriate to discuss "internal budget briefings" but that it is considering "all options to develop the surface-ship force for the future that will meet all identified requirements."

According to a Senate staffer, the Navy's plans may bring greater scrutiny of weapons-systems modernization efforts on existing Arleigh Burke-class ships.

Taking this tack offers no guarantees, however, that ship building won't drain the Navy's budget in the coming years as the industry and the service struggle to keep costs under control. The Navy today has 280 ships. To reach the goal of 313 ships in 30 years while retiring older ships at a steady pace, the Navy also wants to buy as many as 55 of a near-shore combat ship, but budget and schedule overruns have raised questions about how many actually will be bought.

Northrop Grumman said it "stands ready to support the customer in the direction it will take."

General Dynamics Chief Executive Nick Chabraja said during an investor conference call Wednesday that "this could be a plus" if the company winds up building copies of the less-expensive ship, but added, "I just don't know enough yet to really comment."

The House Subcommittee on Seapower and Expeditionary Forces is expected next week to hold a hearing on the Navy's plans.

Write to August Cole at august.cole@dowjones.com1
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