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К А.Никольский
Дата 29.07.2005 15:08:44 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Современность; Спецслужбы; Локальные конфликты; Версия для печати

Re: Чертежи атомной...


С Ханом ясно - интернационалист.

Вот Китаю мало помагают.
Вы говорили ранее о 093 SSN и 093 SSN.

Type 093 Nuclear Attack Submarine (SSN)

In the late 1990s it was reported that China had begun construction of its first Type 093 nuclear-powered attack submarine (SSN), after preparations in construction were detected by U.S. intelligence. The Type 093 SSN programme, which will replace the obsolete Type 091 (NATO codename: Han class) SSN, has been under development for more than a decade. Unconfirmed reports indicated that at least one Type 093 SSN boat has already been launched and is currently undergoing sea trials at an unknown location.

Artist impression of the Type 093 SSN

It appeared that China had encountered a range of technical difficulties in developing the Type 093 SSN, including nuclear radiation and noise reduction. It was reported that Russian assistance was sought to solve these critical issues in the late 1990s. The Type 093 SSN is expected to be similar in size and performance to Russian second-generation submarines such as Victor-III class. However, the Type 093 SSN would still represent a significant technological achievement comparing to the first generation Type 091.

It is estimated that the Type 093 SSN will be equipped with wire- and wave-homing torpedoes, submarine-launched anti-ship cruise missiles and mines. It may also be capable of firing anti-submarine warfare (ASW) missiles and land-attack cruise missiles (LACMs). The displacement of the boat is estimated to be between 6,500 and 7,000 tonnes, with a pressured water nuclear reactor and a single asymmetrical seven-blade skewed propeller.

Artist impression of the Type 093 SSN

According to some sources two Type 093 boats are planned, while other sources suggest that as many as six to eight are projected, with possibly four to six Type 093 submarines entering service by 2012. The extended re-fits to the Type 091 (Han class) suggests that there may be a delay in the development and building of the Type 093. U.S. intelligence has estimated that the first boat will be operational soon after 2005.

Type 094 Ballistic Missile Nuclear Submarine (SSBN)

A new design Type 094 nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) has been planned and is expected to begin production between 2003~2005. Incorporating some Russian technology, the Type 094 SSBN is expected to be a dramatic improvement over the sole Type 092 (Xia class) SSBN, with improved quieting and sensor systems, and a more reliable propulsion system. Other improvements in sonar, propulsion, training, and the application of quieting techniques will contribute to a significant improvement in the capabilities of China’s submarine fleet.

Artist impression of the Type 094 SSBN

Plans to deploy this class of nuclear powered SSBNs are said to have been delayed due to problems with the nuclear reactor power plants. As of late 1999 there is an evident absence of public reports of the start of construction of the Type 094 submarine. Several years would be required for submarine construction, and probably an additional year or two for shake-down trials of the submarine, and testing of the JL-2 from the submarine.

Each of the Type 094 SSBNs will mount 16 JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs) with a maximum range of 8,000kms. When deployed, this missile will allow Chinese SSBNs to target portions of the United States for the first time from operating areas located near the Chinese coast. Equipped with the JL-2 missiles, the Type 094 SSBNs would only have to patrol just to the northeast of the Kuril Islands to hold about three-fourths of the United States within its missile's range.

Похоже у них дела не очень с атомными субмаринами. Когда писал, что у Индии дела обстоят лучшеЧем у Китая в этом плане, то думал именно об этом. Вот бы России им помочь.
Вон японцы теперь будут строить свою ПРО по американским лекалам и технологиям. А мы боимся, чего? Будем ждать, пока Китай приберут к рукам совсем?
Если заметили мою статью на сайте про элементы ПРО, то выводы ученых, говорят, что в скором будущем могут быть перекрыты возможности старта ракет с територии Китая. Нет у Китая пока полноценной триады своей. С воздуха, не имея нужных статегов, тоже пока не получается недругам грозить. Ну а с морской составляющей - совсем плохо. Не поможем - себе навредим в стратегическом плане.

Вы в ответе ранее коснулись мирного атома в отношениях Индии и США. Какое ваше мнение на военную составляющую этих отношений?
Похоже, что продавая Индии наши новые нароботки, мы не очень верили, что возможен новый виток отношений с этих двух стран.
Правда я подобным вопросом упрощаю ситуацию, но подобный вопрос можно ставить.

Вообще, я понял, что геополитику сайт не интересует.Все ближе к матушке истории.
