Какого, простой индийский парень, э, адьюнкт-профессор APUS, AMU, там не разберешь, это все distance learning, которое online, отслужил 20 лет в канадской армии, а так, см п. 1.
An APUS adjunct professor has been making his mark appearing in various Canadian media, including television, radio and print outlets, speaking on international and Canadian defense issues.
Professor Sunil Ram appeared on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's morning news program, "NEWSWORLD Morning," (Nov. 25) speaking about the current state of the Canadian military and overall defense.
Ram was interviewed in Dec. 3 on CBC radio for "The Current" with Anna Maria Tremonti, one of Canada's leading international reporters. Ram spoke on the contrast between Canada's self-image as a peacekeeping nation and the fact that it has s a significant military exports industry. While Canadian materiel is exported around the world, most goes to the United States.
A Dec. 8 article, "The Wages of War" in the Toronto Star, Canada's most widely read newspaper, included observations from Ram regarding the types of U.S. military units projected to deploy in the event of war with Iraq. The article's thrust is that the United States has the military capability to conquer Iraq, but questions whether the United States has the commitment and capability to pacify and rebuild a new, democratic Iraq. The article, by one of Canada's leading print reporters, Olivia Ward, is linked here.
Ram also recently participated in the Canadian Forces Staff College Joint and Combined Warfare Symposium.
Ram, who teaches an APUS military history course on the Balkans, served in the Canadian Forces from 1980 to 1999. He holds a Master of Arts in Political Science from Canada's University of Guelph