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К Banzay
Дата 12.04.2012 09:48:52 Найти в дереве
Рубрики Прочее; 11-19 век; Армия; Фортификация; Версия для печати

Re: и коменты занятные

>Argueably, the Confederates didn't have rations to feed their own troops and so did not have provisions to feed the union prisoners. This is well documented thru correspondence from Andersonville's commander asking for provisions and describing the conditions in the Andersonville camp prior to the wars end. On the other hand, the union side would have been in a much better position to priovide for their POWs at Point look out but had very similar, if not higher prisoner death rates than at Andersonville but you never hear about that. It is then a reasonable arguement that the Union's treatment and subsequent death rate at Point look out was likely intentional.

Смертность в лагерях военнопленных севера была не ниже юга при гораздо лучшем положении с продовольствием, а ответили южане

>Like they say, the winner writes the history books.

Победители пишут книги по истории..

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