Warrior Frog
19.05.2006 07:50:21
WWII; Флот;
А если когда для конспирации? ;-)
"Hit first! Hit hard! Keep on hitting!" (c)Sir John (Jackie) Fisher
"An incident I learned of him was that when one of our ships, the "Minneapolis", came into Kronstadt, he came out in the boat with the boarding officer, without revealing his identity and incognito, noted the manner in which she came to anchor, aand observed details that later on when he came to pay official visits might not have been evident."
McCully, von Doenhoff, "The McCully Report" (1906)
А как ещё перед амерами выступать "инкогнито" кроме как в бейсболке?:-)))
"В свободном государстве должны быть свободны и мысль и язык." (c)Тиберий Цезарь