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каковым в данном случае, безусловно является иранское агентство ИРНА. И обнаруживаем, что дресс-код для немусульман в Иране - следствие сосания грязного пальца каким-то канадским журналистом и официально опровергнуто.
Iran denies dress code alleged in Canadian daily New York, May 20, IRNA
Iran has denied a report in a Canadian daily which says Tehran may force non-Muslims to adopt a particular dress code in public.
In a letter to the Canadian daily `National Post', the press attache of the Iranian embassy in Ottawa, Hormoz Qahramani, rejected the article.
The daily, in an article published in its Friday edition, said that "a new dress-code reportedly passed in Iran this past week mandates the government to make sure that religious minorities -- Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians -- will have to adopt distinct colour schemes to make them identifiable in public."
The article further states that "the Iranian government has envisioned that all Iranaians wear standard Islamic garments designed to remove ethnic and class distinctions."
According to the article, under the proposed dress code law, which is still awaiting final approval by Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, "Jews will have to wear a yellow band on their exterior in public, (Zoroastrians blue), while Christains will be required to don red ones."
Qahramani's letter stressed that such accusations against the Islamic Republic of Iran are part of a vast pre-planned move against Iran by certain countries or individuals.
In related developments, the representative of the Jewish minority in the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis), Maurice Motamed, also dismissed the article as a "complete fabrication." Interviewed by a western news agency, he said the alleged dress requirement was a lie and people who concocted it intended to achieve certain political ends.
The publication of such reports outside Iran is an insult to the religious minorities living in Iran, Motamed added.