22.03.2006 13:24:32
Это Бельгия.
1. ПМВ
"II. Cavalry Divisions
1 CD : 1st Guides, 2nd and 3rd Lancers, 1st and 3rd Carabiniers-cyclists, 17th Artillery Rgt., 25th Engineer Btn.
2 CD : 1st and 2nd "jagers te paard", 1st Lancers, 2nd and 4th Carabiniers-cyclists, 18th Artillery Rgt., 26th Engineer Btn.
2 regiments of frontier guards - 1 & 2 regiments cyclistes frontiere
A bataillion cycliste- frontiere de Limbourg "
Т.е. "велопехота" в составе кавалерийских дивизий (всего 4 полка, по два на дивизию к 3-м конным) и пограничники (два полка и отдельных батальон) на велосипедах.
2. ВМВ
"Their where four regiments of Carabiniers during WWI. Together with the two regiments of
Grenadiers they formed the 6th army Division, the "elite" Division.
The Cyclists did have one company in each of the six Army Divisions.
Each of the two Cavalry Divisions did have a battalion Carabiniers-Cyclists of five companies.
The Carabiniers where the "heavy" Infantry, the Cyclists the "light" (= reconnaissance), and the
Carabinier-Cyclistes the infantry for support of the cavalry."
Было 4 карабинерных и 2 гренадерских полка, составлявших 6-ю (элитную) дивизию, в каждой пехотной дивизии была рота велосипедистов (разведчиков).
В каждой кавалерийской дивизии был пятиротный батальон велосипедистов, пехотная поддержка кавалерии.