От Skvortsov Ответить на сообщение
Дата 09.05.2021 09:03:21 Найти в дереве
Рубрики WWII; Флот; Версия для печати


На 7.45 имелось тридцать торпедоносцев, с которых еще не сняли торпеды и 34 пикирующих бомбардировщиков. Достаточно, чтобы по существующим тогда представлениям утопить два авианосца. Зачем ждать перевооружения на торпеды оставшихся ударников?

"It was the ability of the Americans to strike first that led to the loss of all four Japanese carriers at Midway. This deduction is consistent with the result of Captain Wayne Hughes, Jr.’s mathematical probabilities in arrier- to-carrier warfare as explained in his book Fleet Tactics. In the text, he reasons that if the ratio of carriers was 4:3 (actually 4:4 if Midway is considered an unsinkable carrier) in favor of the Japanese and if the U.S. carriers attacked first, Japan would lose three carriers to the loss of only one American carrier from a Japanese counterattack. These mathematical calculations produced by Captain Hughes are based on the premise that an entire air group from one carrier has the potential to sink only one enemy carrier on its mission (the contrary concept in carrier warfare was believed in 1942, whereby the thinking was that one squadron of dive- bombers [thirty-six] and one squadron torpedo bombers [eighteen] had the ability to sink more than one enemy carrier with a coordinated strike)."

Victory at Midway
James M. D’Angelo