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Рубрики WWII; Версия для печати

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>>had found no petrol.
>ну, довольно странно было бы найти на льду озера горючее, однако и сказать, что служба снабжения (мистер Такой-то и мистер Сякой-то) прое***лась тоже нельзя, отсюда такие речевые выкрутасы.

Вроде проблемы были с доставкой из порта.

CONCLUSIONS of a Meeting of the War Cabinet, held at 10 Downing Street,
S.W. 1, on Tuesday, April 23, 1940, at 11-30 A . M.

H.M.S. Arethusa had landed the R.A.F. Base Staff with 45 tons of petrol at Andalsnes during the previous night, and was now returning to this country.

Enemy aircraft had been very active at Andalsnes during the whole of the previous day, but the jetty had not been hit. The railway, however, had been cut by German bombers in several places between Andalsnes and Dombaas and would take twelve hours to repair.


CONCLUSIONS of a Meeting of the War Cabinet held at 10 Downing Street,
S.W. 1, on Thursday, April 25, 1940, at 11-30 A . M.

It was hoped that Gladiators would by this time be operating from the frozen lake at Lesgescogen, between Andalsnes and Dombaas.


The Secretary of State for' War read a telegram from the Norwegian Commander-in-Chief, giving his personal appreciation. In this he reported that his troops were exhausted and harassed by continuous bombing and machine-gunning from the air. Long-range artillery had also made its first appearance. All important points and railway junctions from Andalsnes to the front line were being destroyed.