От А.Никольский
К apple16
Дата 11.11.2004 13:40:47
Рубрики Флот;

наверное, это была все же дизельная ПЛ

>The other possible source of the submarine is North Kore
возможно, старого типа, который есть на вооружении и КНР, и КНДР?

С уважением, А.Никольский

От apple16
К А.Никольский (11.11.2004 13:40:47)
Дата 11.11.2004 13:57:30

Вот еще кусок информации - там еще спасатель и буксир болтаются

Автоматический перевод с традиционного китайского

The news eye "ran out Pacific Ocean this day finally to come? Tokyo special representative Chen Shihch'ang After the Japanese territorial waters on tenth suffer 疑似 Chinese Communist Party to dive the ship invasion, does not sign the military expert said, should come finally or to come, the Chinese Communist Party changed the sea economy from the mainland economy, dived the ship 蓄勢待發, passes in and out Pacific Ocean's day to resemble has not been far for the time. The Japanese some military commentaries often said in the past the Chinese Communist Party navy also only is in "the coast navy". In recent years but vigorously developed the navy influence after the Chinese Communist Party, just like had reforming is "the open sea" the imposing manner, the nucleon dived the ship on tenth to approach the Japanese territorial waters, was equal to announced to Japan, the Chinese Communist Party navy has stepped to the anti-America date first step. This dives the ship to float the water surface by no means, whether concluded is the Chinese Communist Party nucleon dives the ship? This military expert said that, the Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force several days ago has grasped to the Chinese Communist Party two ships in more than 300 kilometers sea levels cannot pace back and forth southeast the Japanese seed island, is dives the ship rescue ship, another tows the tug, why at that time also wondered two ships to be able in there, after discovered the nucleon dived the ship, let some guess clarification. This is the Chinese Communist Party nucleon dives the ship first time to invade the Japanese territorial waters. This military expert said that, (extrapolation possibly is Qingdao) surpasses 1,000 kilometers from mainland China east bank naval base to Japanese this region, the traditional power dives the ship to be very difficult to navigate such far, 研判 this dives the ship to be supposed to be the nuclear power. Last November, floated the navigation big corner channel Ming Chich'ien the ship is the traditional power dives the ship through Japan south, the range surpasses 1,000 kilometers by no means. The expert said, because this is the Chinese Communist Party nucleon dives ship first "to go far from home", dives in the navigation process for the prevention possibly to have the accident, first sends the rescue ship to await orders in neighbor, how does this also verify can have two Chinese Communist Party life-saving ship to pace back and forth in the Japanese sea area. 令日 this shock is, this nucleon dives the ship not only to break through "the first islands chain" which America and Japan called, approaches first and "the second islands chain" between. The so-called first island chain, points to Ryukyu Islands and Taiwan, Philippines's company dotted line, the second island chain is Guam and the Japanese chain islands company dotted line. The Chinese Communist Party navy in recent years the large modernization, and repeatedly all around launched the sea investigation in the Japanese chain islands, the intention blocks these two islands chain in the breakthrough by America and Japan, entered the Pacific Ocean. On tenth this nuclear power dives the ship to step a stride. This expert analyzes, the Chinese Communist Party nuclear power dives the ship far to go to the Japanese territorial waters "to overcome an obstacle", should have several significances: First, in order to verify the hydrological data which the Japanese sea investigation ship accumulates, compared to the seabed water temperature, salty with the pressure, seeks dives the ship not easily to discover under the water surface "the depth". Second, the Chinese Communist Party from the mainland economy development sea economy country, admired the external resources date really, the development open sea navy is helpful to it obtains the overseas energy. Third, certainly is for when has the conflict in accordance to Taiwan sea, US possibly dispatches troops into battle involves the Taiwan sea war, has the ability to prevent US to Taiwan's marine support.

От apple16
К А.Никольский (11.11.2004 13:40:47)
Дата 11.11.2004 13:51:02

Re: наверное, это...


Пишут что атомная поскольку больно далеко от базы
- 300 км на юго-запад от Окинавы
(єто поднадзорные китайцы на своем форуме)

Тайваньская реакция
2004/11/10 19:36:01

Taipei, Nov. 10 (CNA) The Ministry of National Defense (MND) said Wednesday that the ministry is monitoring the movements of a suspected mainland Chinese nuclear-powered submarine in Japanese territorial waters. The MND officials made the remarks in the wake of an Agence France Presse report that Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi had expressed regret over the vessel entering Japan's territorial waters. The submarine was detected in Japanese waters near islands disputed with China about 300 kilometers southwest of Okinawa, a southern Japanese island home to a major U.S. military base, according to the report. The officials said that through information swapping, they are keeping abreast of the vessel's movements. Based on various pieces of information received, the officials said that while they have initially concluded that the vessel is on a deep-sea training trip, they will continue to monitor it closely. (By Lilian Wu) ENDITEM/J

От А.Никольский
К apple16 (11.11.2004 13:51:02)
Дата 11.11.2004 14:13:36

эксперты говорят:)

Уважаемый В.Кашин говорит, что как раз атомные китайские лодки далеко не плавают из-за технических проблем:)
С уважением, А.Никольский

От apple16
К А.Никольский (11.11.2004 14:13:36)
Дата 11.11.2004 14:20:44

Вот примерная карта

Между островами Miyako и Ishigaki крестик стоит
Расстояние большое

Japan's navy gives chase to suspicious sub

The government ordered the Maritime Self-Defense Force (MSDF) to chase an unidentified submarine that was spotted in Japan's territorial waters around southwestern Okinawa Prefecture Wednesday morning, a government spokesman said.

The submarine subsequently left Japan's territorial waters, but the MSDF remains on full alert in case it intrudes into territorial waters again, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyuki Hosoda told a news conference.

"It's extremely regrettable. We need to clarify the purpose of the intrusion and the nationality of the submarine among other questions," Hosoda said.

Crewmembers of an MSDF P3C anti-submarine patrol aircraft spotted the submarine in seas off Miyako and Ishigaki islands, southwestern Okinawa Prefecture, early Wednesday morning. At 8:45 a.m., Defense Agency Director General Yoshinori Ono ordered the MSDF to chase the submarine after receiving approval from Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

Following the order, the MSDF dispatched more P3C aircraft and a destroyer to the area. However, Hosoda said the MSDF did not issue any warning to the submarine.

Even through the submarine left Japan's territorial waters, the P3C aircraft is continuing to pursue the vessel. The nationality of the submarine has not yet been confirmed.

The Defense Agency chief issued the order under Article 82 of the SDF Law. This is the second time that Japan issued such an order following one issued in March 1999 when a North Korean spy ship entered Japan's territorial waters in the Sea of Japan.

The clause allows the Defense Agency chief to order SDF, with permission from the prime minister, to go into action in the sea to keep law and order in cases of crises the Japan Coast Guard cannot cope with on its own. (Mainichi Shimbun, Japan, Nov. 10, 2004)