От Кирилл1
К Архив
Дата 24.05.2004 21:46:47
Рубрики Современность; Флот; ВВС;

Re: [2Esq] Rе: Вьетнам 1969 инцидент с мотоботами ЭМ Вдохновенный и Tucker

>>В апреле 1969 года во время Вьетнамской войны произошел какой-то случай или инцидент с мотоботом с ЭМ ТОФ «Вдохновенный» и мотоботом американского ЭМ Tucker, которые одновременно были отправлены для подъема обломков сбитого самолета (какого?). Если кто-нибудь знает что-либо по этому случаю, а также знает кого-нибудь из экипажа ЭМ «Вдохновенный» пожалуйста, сообщите мне л-кирил@яндеx.ру
>"Наши" корейцы сбили амовский разведчик ЕС-121 (31 человек экипажу, 6 тонн электроники). За обломками ринулись "Вдохновенный" и этот Tucker. Нам пришлось обломки отдать, и амовский адмирал сказал горячее спасибо. Экипаж самолета погиб, нашли всего 2 трупа.

Спасибо за информацию. Это америкосы меня ввели в заблуждение что это было у берегов Вьетнама. Там один из них пишет мемуары и ему вдруг стало интересно, что же русские эму там сказали...Как я понимаю, английский Вы знаете, так что привожу выдержку из их, амерского, письма...
Thanks for your response. In light of the info you provided, I'm not sure how to proceed. Perhaps you can advise me a bit.
First, a bit more background on my project. The EC-121 incident will be just one chapter in a book dealing with the joys and excitement of a WestPac tour during the Vietnam War. I served aboard Tucker during that two-year cruise homeported in Yokosuka. Last week, I met with Captain Sheldon D. Kully, who was DD875 CO at the time. I have access to & input from just about everyone on the American side of the April 69 event. We agreed that it would be good to get Soviet input, if at all possible. Capt Kully suggested I contact the Defense Attache in Moscow in search of assistance in locating any former D-429 crewmembers, and I intend to do that as soon as possible.
When the new newsletter arrived in the mail & I saw your article and I thought it might provide an additional way to locate those former sailors. While we have wonderful websites for all our American destroyers, I haven't found any such info regarding the former Soviet Union ships. So, what I'd like to ask your Russian author is if he has any way to research and/or locate any officers or crewmen who served aboard Vdokhnovennyy D-429 in April 1969. Any contact with D-429 at all would help; preferably, would like to find the Captain or anyone who was in the motor whaleboat when they met with our MWB to transfer aircraft debris.
Our XO, LCDR James L. May, was in the Tucker MWB. Some soviet officer in full dress uniform was in the D-429 MWB. We don't know whether he was CO, XO, or whatever. But he made a long speech in Russian which nobody on our side understood. We'd love to know what he said, as well as what impression they had of us. At the very least, we'd like to get the Soviet Captain's name.
In summary, here's what I'd like to know from him:
1. Does he have any way to locate former officers/crewmen from Vdokhnovennyy for April 1969?
2. Does he have any suggestions of other ways to locate such personnel? Such as Russian websites or historical organizations."