02.03.2015 22:37:40
Взрыватель опять
>>Сетки Tarian уже заказаны датчанами:
>> http://armor.kiev.ua/php/news.php?id=6427
>>на ощупь обычная сетка как из стекловолокна, легко прогибается до самой брони. Если датчане и в самом деле ее испытывали, то, вероятно, производитель не брешет и оно в самом деле работает.
>Типа если подлетевший ПТУР или РПГ отклонится на десяток-другой градусов от вектора полёта, то даже взорвавшись струя пройдёт мимо или по касательной....
А теперь читаем их патенты:
>It is preferred that the or each net section is supported at or near at least two adjacent corners, such that the body of the net hangs below. Extensive testing has revealed the surprising result that the net does not require to be securely supported in order to be effective. In a typical example, a RPG will be travelling at velocities up to 300 ms−1. Without wishing to be bound by theory, it is believed that in the time-frame in which the net acts on the nose cone, the cone will be strangulated before the load has had a chance to be transferred to the perimeter of the net. In tests conducted using slow motion cameras it has been possible to view the interaction between the net and the RPG. As mentioned above, the nose cone crumples when the net mesh tightens around it. This renders the fuse inoperable and prevents formation of the shaped-charge jet. The remainder of the RPG then breaks through the net. It has been shown that at lower projectile velocities (in the region of 150 ms−1) the RPG may be “caught” by the net and catapulted back. However, in order for this to happen the net must be securely supported by a strong frame.