>Х.з. насколько был поврежден несущий набор фюзеляжа. Все же полумонокок, не только обшивка работает. С виду страшно, это да.
Воспоминания Кендрика Брегга, командира Б-17 "As I opened the door of the radio compartment and looked back into the fuselage I was stunned. A torn mass of metal greeted my eyes. Wires were dangling and sheets of metal were flapping as the air rushed through the torn wreckage. Three-fourths of the plane had been cut completely through by the enemy fighter and a large piece of the wing of the Me109 was still lodged in the tail of our plane . . . It left our tail section hanging on by a few slender spars and a narrow strip of metallic skin."
" "I climbed into the upper turret to see the damage from the outside. The tail section was swinging as much as a foot and a half out of line with the front of the plane. The horizontal stabilizer on the left was gone completely and the rear third of the plane seemed to be trying to hang on for dear life. "
вкратце - три четверти фюзеляжа перерублено, среди обломков валяется часть крыла Ме-109, левый стабилизатор отсутствует, хвост при полете колебался с аплитудой до полутора футов.