От Andreas
К certero
Дата 11.01.2013 18:42:08
Рубрики Прочее; Современность; Стрелковое оружие;

Re: Об американских...

В 2011, из проданных в их магазине

Bud’s Gun Shop is one of the more popular discount firearms retailers on the internet, and a place I’ve purchased a number of firearms over the years. This afternoon they sent out a very interesting email detailing the top 15 firearms sold through their store in the last year rank ordered by volume

1. Mosin-Nagant M91/30 7.62X54R

2. New Ruger LCP .380

3. S&W Sigma SW9VE 9mm Black/Stainless

4. S&W Sigma SW40VE .40SW Black/Stainless

5. Ruger LC9 7+1 9mm Bl 3 dot Adj Sts

6. Bushmaster CAR15 223 16 BSH REDD DOT

7. Hi-Point 34510 45ACP/P 45ACP 9RD POLYMEER

8. Ruger SR9c 9mm Compact Black

9. Taurus 24/7-9SSP17 9MM PRO SS

10. Ruger 22/45 Mark III 22LR 5.5″ Blued ADJUSTABLE SIGHTS

11. Ruger SR9c 9mm Compact

12. Rock Island Armory GI M1911A1 Mil Spec .45

13. Mossberg Tactical 22LR Adjustable Stock 25rd Magazine

14. Kahr Arms 7 + 1 Round 9MM w/3.5″ Barrel/Polymer/Stainless

15. Taurus M1911 45 Stainless W/Gold Highlights