От Alpaka
К All
Дата 07.10.2011 19:25:53
Рубрики Спецслужбы; Космос;

пример, чем сейчас занимается министерство обороны Штатов

недавно прошел конкурс на гранты по исследованию в области автономных спутников.
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Title: Autonomous On-Board Control of Satellites for Space Superiority

Program: SBIR
Technology Area: Space Platforms
Open Date: 5/26/2011
Close Date: 6/29/2011

Current satellite operations are labor-intensive and are not equipped to respond to real-time events. Without embedded flight autonomy, the time to image locations, send the data to the ground, and then to identify and respond to events can be on the order of days. Surveillance missions are less than effective with increased timelines resulting in the inability of warfighters to respond to observations. In support of future Responsive Space and Space Superiority missions, monitoring and command and control functionality, which traditionally has been hosted on the ground, needs to be migrated on-board the satellite. Investments have been made in developing specialized sensors to detect specific threats. What is needed is a more robust capability to detect opportunistic events on-board, plan resulting actions and then execute activities. This leads to a requirement for automated software in several areas, which would include sensor processing and control, on-board planning, task execution and data fusion. The objective of this topic is to research and develop the capability to perform autonomous planning of spacecraft activities based on events such as processed imagery, threats, and spacecraft Bus anomalies. Autonomous Planning is a complex field of Intelligent Systems that requires innovative solutions for all but simple scenarios. The reason for this is that most comprehensive solutions to the problem are NP-Complete. Event characterization can be determined from the fusion of on-board processing of sensor data with other information of interest, including historical information, telemetry readings and environment data. To properly scope this topic the focus is only on research and development of autonomous planning technologies that can determine courses of action to mitigate events encountered. Technologies to actually detect events or anomalies are outside the scope of this topic. To correctly perform this planning function, embedded knowledge of satellite state, environment, operating constraints and mission objectives must be very accurately maintained. This on-board knowledge base is necessary to robustly plan resulting actions. Once these activities are determined, they must then be properly executed in the correct sequence and at the appropriate times. This topic seeks to research, develop and demonstrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) Planning technologies to enhance embedded satellite autonomy. Dependent on the proposed effort, the research and development may be ITAR restricted.

Research and develop flight software technologies to enable real-time autonomous on-board constraint and model-based planning of spacecraft activities to enhance satellite responsiveness.


От Boris
К Alpaka (07.10.2011 19:25:53)
Дата 07.10.2011 21:44:44

Ага.Лемоиды ))

Доброе утро,
Исследование и разработка технологий полетного программное обеспечение, позволяющих в режиме реального времени автономной бортовой ограничения и модели планирования на основе космических аппаратов мероприятий по повышению спутниковой реагирования (с) Google....
С уважением, Boris.