За столько лет ее успехи более чем скромные. Кроме как высотными бомбежками деревень и похвастаться особо нечем. А если за "глодранцами" реально сейчас встанет Уганда, то как бы они вообще на загнали суданцев в столицы Дарфурских штатов.
Да и как воспользуется Чад полученной передышкой еще вопрос. Если результатом референдума в ЮС станет его война с Севером (да еще при участии Уганды), то Чад может и вмешаться (причем еще однозначно не известно на чьей стороне)
>а что они там и как сбили надо еще узнавать, попробую уточнить в МиГе (правда это время займет)
Суданские повстанцы сбили МиГ-29 ВВС Судана
Действующие в суданском регионе Дарфур повстанцы «Движения за справедливость и равенство» заявляют, что им удалось сбить истребитель МиГ-29 правительственных ВВС, сообщает газета Sudan Tribune.
По словам представителя повстанцев Али Альфави, инцидент произошел в понедельник в районе боевых действий в 80 км от столицы провинции Северный Кордофан города Аль Обейда на западе страны.
В настоящее время, по словам Али Альфави, приводимым изданием, в данном районе суданская армия ведет наступление на позиции повстанцев, используя самолеты МиГ и Ан, а также боевые вертолеты российского и китайского производства.
Газета отмечает отсутствие комментариев со стороны официальных источников в Хартуме.
Активизация боевых действий, пишет Sudan Tribune, происходит на фоне готовящегося подписания в г. Дохе (столица Катара) при посредничестве ООН, Афросоюза и Катара мирного соглашения между правительством Судана и другой повстанческой группировкой – «Движением за освобождение и справедливость».
Как ранее сообщалось, Россия поставила Судану 12 самолетов МиГ-29 (10 боевых и 2 учебно-боевых) в 2004 году. До конца этого года будет выполнен контракт на поставку в Судан 10 вертолетов типа Ми-17.
Согласно Регистру ООН по обычным вооружениям, на вооружении суданских ВВС также находятся 14 штурмовиков Су-25, поставленных в 2008-2009 гг. Белоруссией.
November 8, 2010 (KHARTOUM) — Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) claimed today to have shot down a Mig29 Jet belonging to the Sudan Armed Forces.
The military spokesperson of the rebel group, Ali Alwafi, said the incident took place on Monday at 4pm local time "near Majrur, 80k North-East of Al Obeid, capital of the state of North Kordofan."
Sudanese forces use Antonov and Mig as well as Russian and Chinese helicopter planes to bomb rebel positions before ground attacks.
The Sudanese army was not immediately available to comment on the unconfirmed report. But in the past the army has denied similar rebel claims.
The army and JEM rebels released statements claiming victory last week as they confirmed clashes in different areas in Darfur and Kordofan.
The surge of violence takes place while the government and another rebel group - the Liberation and Justice Movement - are preparing to sign a peace agreement in Doha.
Sudan’s president said two days ago after his return from Doha that JEM rebels do not represent Darfur people, following a request by the Joint Chief Mediator to deescalate military operation against JEM rebels in Darfur.
JEM further released today a list of 23 prisoner of war (POWs) they said were captured after recent clashes with the Sudanese army in Kornoi in North Darfur.
Darfur rebels claim shooting down Sudanese jet fighter
Afro News 24 » Africa » ↓
Author: EVa Krafczyk - November 9, 2010
Nairobi/Khartoum – Darfur rebels claimed Tuesday to have shot down a Mig 29 jet fighter of the Sudan Armed Forces, the Sudan Tribune reported in its online edition.
The paper cited a spokesman of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), Ali Alwafi, as saying the jet was shot down on Monday afternoon near the town of Majrur in the state of North Kordofan.
The report remained unconfirmed, with the Sudanese military not immediately available for comment, Sudan Tribune said.
The claim of the Mig downing cames amid reports of clashes between the army and JEM rebels in both Darfur and Kordofan. Both sides released statements claiming victory in the fighting.
Sudan Tribune said JEM also released on Tuesday a list of 23 prisoners of war which the rebels waid were captured in fighting with the Sudanese army in North Dafur.
Meanwhile Sudanese national security service (NISS) chief Mohammed Atta Al-Mula called on the government of the semi-autonomous southern Sudan region to capture those Darfur rebels operating from southern Sudan.
In the interest of permanent peace between northern and southern Sudan, the Darfur fighters should be turned over to Sudanese justice, he said in a speech at a graduation ceremony of NISS officers.
The conflict in Darfur dating back to 2004 pits the mainly ethnic African population against ethnic Arab militias who are supported by the Sudanese government in Khartoum
By UN estimates at least 300,000 people have been killed in the Darfur conflict so far.
Amid the bloodshed, the International Court of Justice has issued an international arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on charges of war crimes in Darfru.
Darfur rebels claim shooting down Sudanese jet fighter
Nov 9, 2010, 12:45 GMT http://www.monstersandcritics.com/news/africa/news/article_1597684.php/Darfur-rebels-claim-shooting-down-Sudanese-jet-fighter
Nairobi/Khartoum - Darfur rebels claimed Tuesday to have shot down a Mig 29 jet fighter of the Sudan Armed Forces, the Sudan Tribune reported in its online edition.
The paper cited a spokesman of the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM), Ali Alwafi, as saying the jet was shot down on Monday afternoon near the town of Majrur in the state of North Kordofan.
The report remained unconfirmed, with the Sudanese military not immediately available for comment, Sudan Tribune said.
The claim of the Mig downing cames amid reports of clashes between the army and JEM rebels in both Darfur and Kordofan. Both sides released statements claiming victory in the fighting.
Sudan Tribune said JEM also released on Tuesday a list of 23 prisoners of war which the rebels waid were captured in fighting with the Sudanese army in North Dafur.
Meanwhile Sudanese national security service (NISS) chief Mohammed Atta Al-Mula called on the government of the semi-autonomous southern Sudan region to capture those Darfur rebels operating from southern Sudan.
In the interest of permanent peace between northern and southern Sudan, the Darfur fighters should be turned over to Sudanese justice, he said in a speech at a graduation ceremony of NISS officers.
The conflict in Darfur dating back to 2004 pits the mainly ethnic African population against ethnic Arab militias who are supported by the Sudanese government in Khartoum
By UN estimates at least 300,000 people have been killed in the Darfur conflict so far.
Amid the bloodshed, the International Court of Justice has issued an international arrest warrant for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on charges of war crimes in Darfru.